Vision Statement

Our Vision: A Church Without Walls | A Place of Change for all People | One Body (1 Cor. 5:17; 1 Cor. 12:12-27)

We believe in extending beyond the church walls to include those in the community.

We believe social issues are merely an outward sign of deeper spiritual issues. As Christ demonstrated in the Gospels, we will not get people to consider their spiritual needs until we address their social needs. Community is important because our communities are where ministry takes place.

Mission Statement

Our Mission: To transform lives through building a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  (Matt 28:19-20; John 17:1-3. Col.1:28-19; Heb. 5:11-6:1)



Our purpose is to glorify God! (Rom 15:6; 1 Cor. 6:20; 10:31)



Biblical Instructions 







Additional Values

Obedience (Abundant and Prosperous Life) 


What we believe
The Theology of Community

Matthew said to go to “all nations” and Mark says to go to all the world. The mandate of the church is not to stay or hide inside the four walls of the church. It is to move out, reach out, and connect or “rub shoulders” with people where they are in their communities. (Matt 28:19; Acts 1:8)

Our goal iseach one reach one!

The ultimate goal is the spiritual maturing of the saints. (Col.1:28-19; Heb. 5:11-6:1)